We source our meat locally, using a highly approved abattoir and local farms which are no more than 15 miles from our shop.
Working with us they are able to provide us with best Beef, Pork and Lamb.
At the shop we then prepare the meats to your requirements, hanging the Beef for 3 – 4 weeks or longer if the customer requires.
We do pride ourselves on our Sausages and Burgers which are made daily and using recipes gained through our years of knowledge, Best Seller “Norfolk Sausage” a lovely meaty banger good on the BBQ or under the grill.
Our fresh Poultry, (Chicken, Ducks and Guinea Fowl) ranges from 3lb(1.36kg) to 6lb (2.7Kg), and always free range.
During the festive season why not buy one of our Free-Range White and Bronze Turkeys or Geese, arriving at Great Grove Poultry, where the birds are free to roam in the ancient woodland and do as they please. They have the advantage of being offered straw bedded barns at night. It is also important to understand that these birds are fed mainly on cereal-based foods and contain no hormones or growth promoters.

A large segment of our business is the game season, we buy our game from local estates including Wild Fowl from the North Norfolk Coast.
The gaming season starts on the Glorious 12th August with Grouse, we then follow on through September with Ducks and Partridge and during October with Pheasants.
In stock we follow these up with Pigeon, Rabbit and Hare.
One of the big up and coming popular meats for us is estate wild Venison, offering you that healthy choice and range of flavours. Also available are Muntjac, Roe, Fallow and Chinese Water Deer, we can prepare these diced for casserole/stew, Steaks, Haunches for roasting or Butterflied for the BBQ.
If you are feeling adventurous then go nutty and try Squirrel, you will find this surprisingly tender and tasty. (Remember they only eat the best).
We have an amazing tasty Cooked/Deli Counter serving you with Ham, Haslet, Brawn, and Black Pudding. We offer traditional hand made Pork Pies and Big Boy Scotch Eggs.
And we cannot forget to mention our award-winning meat pies, these award winning pies are made by Great Walsingham Barns Café and come with the following fillings, Chicken, Ham and Mushroom- Venison – Steak and Kidney – Beef and Stilton, and why not try the Sage Sausage rolls which arrive at the shop daily.

Just call us with your requirements, we supply and cater for Restaurants, Cafes, Bars, and all other caterers in the local community.
Telephone P&S Butchers on 01263 713227 (Telephone answering service 24/7)